Each of us is a result of our own unique complex mixture of nature and nurture.
Going Inside “Inside Out”
Watching the new Pixar movie “Inside Out” (you can see the official trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIDYqBMFzfg) is a delight! In many ways it is a dream for the psychologically-minded, and is given a great summary and analysis by Dr. Janina Scarlet (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/beyond-heroes-and-villains/201506/inside-out-emotional-truths-way-pixar).
But I Want To Be Perfect!
Why am I so ANGRY???
Anger is an emotion most of us are familiar with, experiencing it in varying degrees as a result of all kinds of experiences. It is a very individual response, with both unique as well as fairly universal triggering events. Anger expression also has a wide range: anything from internalized, non-expressed, or quick release of the feeling, to loud and/or physical expression, ranging all the way to violence.